913-322-6557 bbishop@EMBstats.com

EMB Email Signature Instructions

  1. Use your mouse and left-click to select in the space above “Your Name” and hold the mouse button while dragging down to select the entire signature block (down to our website address).
  2. Copy the selected content (CTRL+C).
  3. Paste this into your Outlook signature settings. (Give Outlook a moment here, sometimes the image can be delayed.)
  4. Decide which elements you wish to include in your signature; delete those you don’t want to have.
  5. Change the information in each piece (including hyperlinks) to your own contact information.

Note: Outlook’s webmail app, used in a web browser, may require a separate email signature to be set up.

EMB logo w/ 25th Anniversary Badge

Your Name
Your EMB Title

Connect with me on LinkedIn

EMB Statistical Solutions, LLC
9300 West 110th Street, Suite 550
Overland Park, Kansas 66210
Office 913-322-6557   |   Mobile 123-456-7890

>EMB logo with 25 years anniversary badge


Note: There exists an odd behavior in Outlook where the signature block shows as has having an attachment, even though there really isn’t one. This is caused by the way Outlook handles the logo image. The signature with logo does, in fact, display properly for recipients.

It is perfectly acceptable to use an email signature and remove the graphic. In fact, in some situations on mobile or where images are not displayed for the recipient, it can be better to not have our logo in your signature. Creating multiple signature options can be helpful with this.